Troy Adventist® Church

A small church with a BIG heart!

Daily Devotional

Angels in My Daily Life

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Angel Guidance in My Life

The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. Psalm 34:7 -- {ML 303.1}

Today ... heavenly messengers are passing through the length and breadth of the land, seeking to comfort the sorrowing, to protect the impenitent, to win the hearts of men to Christ. We cannot see them personally; nevertheless they are with us, guiding, directing, protecting.... -- {ML 303.2}

These angels of light create a heavenly atmosphere about the soul, lifting us toward the unseen and the eternal. We cannot behold their forms with our natural sight; only by spiritual vision can we discern heavenly things. The spiritual ear alone can hear the harmony of heavenly voices.... -- {ML 303.3}

Again and again have angels talked with men as a man speaketh with a friend, and led them to places of security. Again and again have the encouraging words of angels renewed the drooping spirits of the faithful, and carrying their minds above the things of earth, caused them to behold by faith the white robes, the crowns, the palm branches of victory, which overcomers will receive when they surround the great white throne. -- {ML 303.4}

It is the work of the angels to come close to the tried, the suffering, the tempted. They labor untiringly in behalf of those for whom Christ died. -- {ML 303.5}

Angels are ever present where they are most needed. They are with those who have the hardest battles to fight, with those who must battle against inclination and hereditary tendencies, whose home surroundings are the most discouraging. -- {ML 303.6}

Heavenly beings are appointed to do their work of ministry--to guide, guard, and control those who shall be heirs of salvation.... Faithful sentinels are on guard to direct souls in right paths. -- {ML 303.7}

From My Life Today page 303.

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